Every PHJC community finds its most perfect model in the Blessed Trinity, in which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit communicate themselves to one another unconditionally in love.
The PHJC members have in common the mystery of their vocation, their life of faith modelled on Mary, the spirituality of St. Katharina Kasper, our Foundress and their mission and ministry in the Church. They strive to allow the creative and unifying power of the Holy Spirit to become effective.
Sisters accept the duties and rights of communal life. They support one another through prayer and care for the community. They draw strength for this from the Word of God and from their daily union with God in Eucharist.
The community respects the dignity of each individual member and encourages the sisters to develop their gifts and talents.
Each Sister is provided time for common prayer, community meal, recreation, for the relaxation of body and spirit and for the building up the community.